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House of Rohl Solutions

Pressure Balance Trim Installation Instructions

For Models A1400, A2400, A1500, A2500, AC100, AC200, U.1000, U.2000
Used with RMV-1 and RMV-2 pressure Balance Valves

Shut water supply to the faucet off: Important: Turn off the water supply at the faucet before starting. You can either turn off the main supply to the house or close the shut-off valves if the faucet is equipped with them. Then open the faucet again to empty it of residual water. Failure to do so could result in flooding or injury. 


Prepare the valve:

  • Back out the two screws on either side of white plastic driver, to remove the mud guard.


  • Remove warning tag from valve, if still present.
  • Pull the mud guard off of diverter stem, if applicable.
  • On the diverter sub assembly, thread the finished diverter stem onto the brass diverter stem.



  • Thread the finished diverter sleeve into the diverter sub-assembly

Prepare the trim:

  • Align the pin on the backside of the plastic intermediate handle assembly with the pin hole on the faceplate and set the intermediate handle assembly into place.
  • Slide the brass hot limit stop onto the intermediate handle assembly, with the brass peg to the right of the plastic stop.
  • Insert the black rubber grommet into diverter hole of the faceplate.


  • Set the trim against the valve. Holding the rubber grommet into place, maneuver the diverter stem into the hole of the faceplate.
  • Align the white plastic driver on the valve into the splines of the intermediate handle assembly on the trim.
  • Insert and tighten the two screws through the intermediate handle assembly, into the holes of valve. Do not over tighten.
  • Thread diverter button onto exposed threads of the finished diverter stem.


  • Place bell housing onto intermediate handle assembly.
  • Place handle onto bell housing at the 6 o’clock position, splined side against bell housing.
  • Insert Brass Screw with washer into handle and tighten.
  • Press screw cover cap into handle.

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