4 Piece Deck Mount Tub Filler with Hand Shower: 12
Edge: ED12L
Edge: ED12+
Eiffel: EF12L
Eiffel: EF12+
Fidji: FI12L
Fidji: FI12+
For Me: FM12L
Georgian: GN12L
Georgian: GN12+
KS: KS12
Manhattan: MP12L
Manhattan: MP12+
Momenti: MMRD12L and MMRD12J
Momenti: MMRD12+ and MMRD12X
Momenti: MMSQ12L and MMSQ12J
Momenti: MMSQ12+ and MMSQ12X
Pallace: PA12L
Pallace: PA12+
Profile: PFTQ12T
Provence: PR12L
Provence: PR12+
Retro: RT12L
Retro: RT12+ and RT12X
Romance: RO12L
Romance: RO12+
Salome: SA12
Silhouette: SHTM12L
Sylla: SY12L
TM: TM12
Zendo: ZO12
Zendo: ZOOP12