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House of Rohl Solutions

Perrin and Rowe Top 5 FAQ's


• How do you fix the diverter from my tub-filler? Water comes out of both shower and spout?

o You can service from the top by unscrewing the top finial and have the parts replaced. Part number is 9.07245 (seal kit and part)

o If you need a new plunger mechanism then the part number will differ depending on your Spout model number

• Do the exposed tub fillers with hand sprayers have a vacuum breaker?

o No. The hand sprayers do have a flow restrictor valve in the base of the handle but if a Vacuum Breaker is required then one must be ordered. Part number is V00275 and it would be placed at the end of the hose connected to either the t-connection or the cradle.

• Do the 4 hole tub fillers have a vacuum breaker?

o The 4 hole tub fillers pass code by using the spout as a air gap and with a double check valve in the hose. This method passes code for all installations. ASME 112.18.

• Can I cut the legs on an U6388 to fit my tub height?

o No these legs cannot be cut to length. They must remain intact.

• I want to use the U5205 shower head with a standard ½” shower arm. Can I do this?

o Yes, You will need to order an adapter part number U5399

o Can I make it swivel?

 Yes, you will need to order 3 separate parts (U5399, 2285 and U5399)

• Can I have porcelain levers on my Kitchen faucets?

o Yes. You will need to order the U.PRPRCKIT. It must be ordered when you order your faucet and it is only good for the two handle versions only



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