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House of Rohl Solutions

Edwardian Series O-ring kit Replacement

Indication: The O Ring Kit should be replaced when you have a leak between the vertical and horizontal sections of the spout swivel, a leak out of the top or bottom of the pop-up rod, or a leak from the base of the Vertical Section of the spout.

Models Affected:

  • Kitchen faucets: U.4739, U.4741, U.4746, U.4747, U.4750, U.4751, U.4755, U.4756, U.4763, U.4764, U.4759, U.4761, U.4766, U.4768, U.4769, U.4770, U.4771, U.4775, U.4776 
  • Lavatory Faucets: U.3720, U.3721, U.3723, U.3724

The instructions below include details on servicing both kitchen and lavatory faucets.

Kitchen Faucet Instructions:
  • Tools Needed:
    •     Small Crescent Wrench 
    •     Small Dental Pick, or Needle
    •     Paper Towel or Soft Cloth 
  •  Shut water supply to the faucet off: Important: Turn off the water supply at the faucet before starting. You can either turn off the main supply to the house or close the shut-off valves if the faucet is equipped with them. Then open the faucet again to empty it of residual water. Failure to do so could result in flooding or injury. 
Instruction For Kitchen Faucets:
  1. Turn water off to the faucet 
  2. Remove the Decorative Spike
    • To remove the Decorative Spike: wrap the Spike in a  Soft Cloth or Paper Towel then carefully unscrew it using a Crescent Wrench
  3. Pull the Horizontal section of the spout off

  4. Using a Dental Pick or Needle remove the two plastic washers and four O-Rings from the swivel connection

  5. Using the diagram 2 replace the O-Rings and plastic washers

    1.    Insert the new large plastic washer A into the bottom groove of the vertical section
    2.    Push the 15/16" O-Ring B and then the 3/4" O-Ring B  into their grooves on to the swivel joint
    3.    Push the two small O-Rings C onto the Decorative Spike
    4.    Place the small plastic washer D in the groove on the  bottom of the Decorative Spike
    5.    Grease the O-Rings and push the Horizontal Section of  the spout back on
    6.    Hand tighten the Decorative Spike down, wrap in a paper towel or soft cloth then tighten it with the wrench, do not over tighten the Decorative Spike
  6. If your faucet is leaking at the base of the Vertical Section  of your spout, unscrew the vertical section of the spout and replace the 1 1/8" O-Ring, then thread the spout back down.

Lavatory Faucet Instructions:
  • Tools Needed:
    •     Small Crescent Wrench 
    •     Small Dental Pick, or Needle
    •     Paper Towel or Soft Cloth 
  • Shut water supply to the faucet off: Important: Turn off the water supply at the faucet before starting. You can either turn off the main supply to the house or close the shut-off valves if the faucet is equipped with them. Then open the faucet again to empty it of residual water. Failure to do so could result in flooding or injury. 

Instruction For Lavatory Faucets:

1. Turn water off to the faucet 
2. Remove the Pop-Up Knob 

a. To remove the Pop-Up Knob: pull the Pop-Up
      Knob up and while holding on to the Pop-Up
      Rod unscrew the knob with your hand. Then 
      wrap the Compression Nut in a Soft Cloth 
      or Paper Towel and carefully unscrew it 
      using a Crescent Wrench.

3. Pull the Horizontal section of the spout off
4. Using a Dental Pick or Needle remove the two 
  plastic washers and four O-Rings from the swivel 
5. Using the diagram below to replace the O-Rings and plastic

    a. Insert the new large plastic washer A into the 
      bottom grove of the vertical section
    b. Push the 15/16" O-Ring B and then the 3/4" 
      O-Ring B into their groves on to the swivel joint
    c. Push the two small O-Rings C onto the Pop-Up Rod
    d. Place the small plastic washer D in the grove on
      the bottom of the Compression Nut
    e. Grease the O-Rings and push the Horizontal Section
      of the spout back on
    f. Hand tighten the Compression Nut down, wrap in a
      paper towel or soft cloth then tighten it with the
      wrench, do not over tighten the Decorative Spike 
      or the Compression Nut

6. If you have a lavatory faucet leaking at the Low Compression Nut, disconnect the Pop-up rod assembly and remove the Lower Compression Nut with a Small Crescent Wrench. Pull the two small O-Rings out of the bottom of the faucet and slide the two new ones up into place. Thread the Lower Compression Nut back on and tighten it back down with a Small Crescent Wrench


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